"Whited Sepulchres"
Well, you know me; always keeping tabs on the goings-on at the Catholic Church. The bishop of Saltillo, Mexico has been summoned to the Vatican to explain himself for ministering to gays, lesbians and other "undesirables." I suppose that the Pope is worried about the Church being labeled "soft" on homosexuals. Anything but that! Sexual molestation of minors and covering it up is one thing, but consorting with "sexual deviates" is quite another. Those people should burn in hell for their "abomination", as the Bible characterizes sodomy, the "infamous crime against nature."
What we all should ask ourselves is how many priests, bishops, archbishops and cardinals were ever summoned to the Vatican to explain what they were doing with the pedophiles in their rank and file? Had the Pope --this one and the previous ones--been so inclined, he could've put a stop to this shameful practice. But, in what amounts to a classic double standard with regard to sex, the Church chooses to focus on an effort to reach out to homosexuals as something that has to be explained, while it continues to pussyfoot around the sexual abuse of children by the clergy.
What we all should ask ourselves is how many priests, bishops, archbishops and cardinals were ever summoned to the Vatican to explain what they were doing with the pedophiles in their rank and file? Had the Pope --this one and the previous ones--been so inclined, he could've put a stop to this shameful practice. But, in what amounts to a classic double standard with regard to sex, the Church chooses to focus on an effort to reach out to homosexuals as something that has to be explained, while it continues to pussyfoot around the sexual abuse of children by the clergy.
It goes to show that churches are hopeless, particularly the roman catholic brand.