The Deepest Hole
The Honduran crisis has really put the so-called "InterAmerican system" to the test and found it lacking. Ditto the United States, which, after some "tsk, tsk" has looked the other way. The net result has been that a duly - elected President has been ousted from power, and Honduras has gone on its merry way, as if nothing happened. Those who tried to broker a deal to solve the crisis did so trying to accomodate the culprits, thus legitimizing them as players in the democratic game.
But, once democracy is interrupted, things cannot go on legitimately, unless you "rewind" and go back to the place where the interruption took place. The only democratically-acceptable solution was to return Zelaya to power and then go on from there, be it with a referendum or whatever mechanism chosen to either reelect him or vote him out of office.
As things stand now, there is no legitimacy to the Lobo presidency, much less to the Micheletti one.
But, once democracy is interrupted, things cannot go on legitimately, unless you "rewind" and go back to the place where the interruption took place. The only democratically-acceptable solution was to return Zelaya to power and then go on from there, be it with a referendum or whatever mechanism chosen to either reelect him or vote him out of office.
As things stand now, there is no legitimacy to the Lobo presidency, much less to the Micheletti one.
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