The Net on the Internet

If I were the Pope - God forbid - I would rethink encouraging priests to use the Internet as a tool to communicate with their flock. The Church has enough problems trying to keep their pedophiles in check, without giving them any ideas on how to "reach out» - and touch - young ones in their parishes. Hasn't the Pontiff heard about cyberspace being a favorite meeting place for sexual predators? The man is obviously out of touch with reality...but, then, he is the Pope, and being delusional comes with the territory.

If this thing comes to pass, parents would do well in monitoring their children's communications with the friendly local priest who takes too much of an interest in their spiritual well-being. This reminds me of an old joke I once saw in Laugh In, the great comedy show of the Sixties. The dirty old man sits beside the old spinster on a park bench, and asks her: "Do you believe in the hereafter? When she says yes, he says: "Then you know what I'm here after."

We all know what a lot of priests are after...


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