"Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch..."

The American people, these days, are worried about the economy, terrorism and Haiti, but life - or should I say, violent death - goes on as usual. In a country so enamored with guns - even to the point of having them figure so prominently in its Constitution - it's no surprise that killing sprees are so commonplace. What I find absolutely fascinating is the fact that, in the face of these tragedies, Americans have been so unwilling to part with what is clearly a relic from the past. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution - the right to bear arms - was understandable at the time of its adoption, given the fact that the war for independence had just been fought, in part by militias, and there was a great deal of mistrust towards the new government, on the part of the citizenry.

But those times have long been gone, and except for some conspiracy theorists, no one in his right mind thinks that he has to have a small arsenal in his basement, in case the Federal government decides to knock down his door at 3:00 a.m. Instead, wackos from Appomattox to Waco keep venting their rage with assault weapons bought at the nearest gun store or fair.


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