Dumb on Both Counts

As we all know, "intelligence" has two distinct meanings: mental capacity and information pertaining to national security. By the looks of what has recently happened in the U.S., there has been precious little of both in the handling of these terrorist threats. For all its bombastic propaganda of superiority, the fact of the matter is that the U.S. intelligence community has acted like the Keystone Cops of old times.

I think that part of the problem is that Uncle Sam has believed its own legend of a master race of sorts, so sure of itself and its invincibility, shocked that anyone would dare challenge its supremacy, that it has become complacent. The ever-present rhetoric of always having the "best" or "greatest" of everything has brainwashed its own people into accepting that all things American are perfect. From John McCain to Charlie Daniels, they all proclaim the U.S. to be "the greatest country in the history of mankind."

And that is a dumb and dangerous thing to believe.


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