The Long, Hot Winter

I'd like to put my two-cents worth in the global warming debate, with a personal experience that I deem significant.

When my family and I moved to our current address 22 years ago, we used to keep our windows shut tight December through February; such was the "cold" we felt in an otherwise very warm Puerto Rico. As time went by, we began opening the windows ever more widely. These last few years we close our windows during this same period because it is so hot that we have to have the air conditioner on, even at night.

As I said, we live in the same house, in the same neighborhood, where there haven't been any significant changes. So, I ask myself: Why the dramatic change in temperature? I'm no scientist, but, at least, in my neck of the woods, it is not only warmer but downright hotter, and for me, this is all the proof I need that global warming isn't science fiction.


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