Mercy for a Mercy Killer
Euthanasia or "mercy killing" is a controversial legal and moral subject, something not to be engaged - in lightly. Although the sanctity of life is the general principle, there are extreme cases in which that rule can be broken.
All this comes to mind with the case of the British mother who has been sentenced to life imprisonment for killing her son to put him out of his misery in a vegetative state due to brain damage. Interestingly enough, her whole family supports her in what has been described as an "act of love." There are times when one must muster the courage to act, in order to end endless and needless human suffering, especially of a loved one.
Life in prison for that mother is an extremely harsh punishment. The jury shouldn't have convicted her, and the court should've taken into account the extenuating circumstances present in this case. Justice has not been served.
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