Another One of "Our Sons of B......"

While the world's headlines concentrate on Osama bin Laden, there are other murderers that go unpunished under the U.S.' nose, probably because they acted on Uncle Sam's behalf or with its complacency. A former Salvadoran general accused of ordering the killing of six Jesuit priests and some others in 1989 has just died of heart failure. He was never charged; on the contrary, he was promoted and, ultimately, served as defense minister in the early 1990s. And you can bet that the U.S. had a great working relationship with the man and the rest of the Salvadoran government, due to the simple fact that they were "fighting communism." No matter if, in the process, they tortured or killed thousands of their own people on the flimsiest of excuses. What's a few thousand Salvadorans less, especially if they sympathize with some version of leftist ideology?

God bless America, indeed!


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