Waiting for the Messiah

Well, with six hours to go, I think we're safe. The world doesn't seem to be ending, and the Second Coming doesn't seem to be coming today. So, let's talk about how Israel is thumbing its nose at Obama for having the "audacity" to suggest that a Palestine state be established with the 1967 borders as markers. Understandably, Israel, which has had the upper hand all these years in the conflict with the Palestinians, won't give an inch. Why should it? Israel is just the U.S. star pupil in international politics. When was the last time that the U.S. compromised on anything in the international arena? "Might makes right" has always been the U.S.' motto, and Israel applies the same principle in the Middle East. So, Obama can forget about this proposal, because it's not gonna happen. The Israelis won the Six-Day War in 1967, and they are not going to give back the land that they took from the Arabs. Since there's no one else who can force them to -- and the U.S. is unwilling to do so -- Obama's strategy fails miserably.


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