Killing by Any Other Name

An Afghan man detained since 2007 in the American Guantánamo prison camp has been found dead, and the official explanation is that, apparently, he committed suicide. Maybe he did; maybe he didn't, but this man had never been tried for any crime; in fact, he had never been formally charged with anything. The only reason he was incarcerated was that they "suspected" that he had some kind of ties to some terrorist group. And that, in this New World Order decreed and imposed on the rest of the world by the U.S. after September 11, 2001, is enough. The Americans don't have to prove anything; not when it comes to Arabs, Muslims or any other people that they choose. All of these people are presumed guilty by the U.S., and if some of them commit suicide, great! So, maybe this man, realizing that he would never be free again, took his own life, in what amounts to a sort of perverse "assisted suicide."

I'm sure we'll never know if the man was guilty of anything, because, to the Americans, it doesn't really matter. People will continue to die at Guantánamo or wherever else the U.S. may have secret prisons. Either they are killed outright by their captors, and then termed suicides, or they can't stand being incarcerated indefinitely without any recourse, and they kill themselves. Either way, it's the direct result of a despicable practice by the U.S.


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