Kinder, Gentler Florida

Remember when Bush I promised that the U.S. would be a "kinder, gentler nation" under his and the Republican Party's leadership? Well, here's an interesting story. Florida, a state with high unemployment and low unemployment benefits, has decided to cut back on them, so as to be a kinder, gentler state to business interests. But, of course, Florida gave Bush II his victory over Gore in an election that put "banana republics" to shame, so one can't expect anything remotely fair and square from those folks.

I suppose that the U.S. needs to save money to keep funding its "war of the week" on whatever it chooses. Spending money on people who are unemployed because the economy is bad is a waste of resources better spent on the war machine abroad, bombing and invading countries with dark-skinned people with strange customs, who happen to have a lot of oil or other valuable natural resources.


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