"F" for Fujimori

I don't quite know what to make of Keiko Fujimori's latest political move to hire Rudy Giuliani as adviser. Is she that desperate? The official explanation is that he'll help her draw up public safety plans, should she get elected. Before he was elected Mayor of New York, Giuliani was a tough prosecutor, so he has hands-on experience fighting criminals...such as Keiko's father and his pals. As mayor, he was dogged by his troubles at home, and what could have been a run for the presidency, was derailed by them, among other things. Maybe Keiko wants to benefit from a loser's perspective in her run for Peru's presidency.

Whichever the case may be, I don't think this is a smart move. Having an American politician as a close adviser is more of a liability than an asset in this part of the world.

Come to think of it, anywhere.


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