The Eagle Will Land...Barely
Like Santa Claus, Barack Obama is coming to town. For just the third time in the last 50 years, a sitting President of The United States of America will visit Puerto Rico, on June 14. In 1961, Kennedy came and stayed overnight. Then, in 1976, Ford held a summit of some sort with the 50 state governors at a hotel which he barely left for the duration. And now Obama, looking for money, but, most of all, support for 2012 from the Puerto Rican and, by extension, Latino community in the mainland. Let's see how long he stays and what he says and does while here.
I wouldn't hold my breath over this. It would really be "the end of the world", if anything came of this visit. The Americans are not really much into Puerto Rico and its things. To them, this is just a big beach with a casino and a lot of piña coladas...
I wouldn't hold my breath over this. It would really be "the end of the world", if anything came of this visit. The Americans are not really much into Puerto Rico and its things. To them, this is just a big beach with a casino and a lot of piña coladas...
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